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FBC CommUNITY Services
Oct 16, 2020   11:04 AM

CommUnity begins September 15th @ The First Baptist Church of Ballinger.

Community is a place for you and your family to come and enjoy some food and get to know others in the community of Ballinger.  Community will begin at 5:45 with a FREE meal for students and parents. Unity Kids will eat with other students in the Family Life Center and Parents will eat with other parents in our Unity Adults dining hall. The kids will be engaged in a time of bible study and game time from 6:00 to 7:00pm

Unity Youth will meet for a meal in the youth room at 6:30pm and have bible study, Worship, and games until 8:00pm 
Parents can relax and have a meal all while getting to know other young parents in our community.
Free nursery for all participating parents for their little ones babies to 4 years of age. 
We hope to see you Wednesdays for Community!

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